A porridge with no protein powder but still high in protein? How then? And tastes like dessert? Yeah my dudes, it's possible! Instead of the classic oat meal (which works amazing with this as well) I used quinoa porridge flakes instead! This gives a boost of protein without an addition of protein powder! I promise it tastes amazing!
60g quinoa porridge flakes @meesters_van_de_halm
250ml almond milk
15g chiaseeds
1 ripe banana
2 tbsp protein granola
1 tbsp maple syrup @koro_nl
10g raisins @koro_nl
15g chopped walnuts @koro_nl
cinnamon + 1 pinch of salt
Total of 20g protein in this entire bowl!
How about that?
Amazing right?
Use: JENNY5 for 5% off @koro_nl
They sell tons of delicious nuts, seeds & more in bulk and their quality is amazing!
Let me know, do you want more protein recipes without protein powder?
Have a great day!
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