Guys, since I'm the porridge princess 👸 and yoghurt queen 👑 how could I not make a combination of the two? Yoghurt barn launched their amazing overnight oats which you now can get in the supermarket! Super easy and handy if you don't have time. To make the experience extra amazing, I created this Chocolate coconut swirl overnight oats which kind of reminds you of BOUNTY but then in porridge version! 🥥 Perfect for any time of the day!
Since I find the overnight oats of @yoghurtbarn not sweet enough (a bit sour due to the yoghurt & balsamic vinegar in there), I added banana for sweetness.
◾️ 1 package of @yoghurtbarn chocolate overnight oats
◾️ 1/2 ripe banana*
◾️ 100g coconut yoghurt @alpro
◾️ 100g sliced strawberries
◾️ 1 fig
◾️ 1 piece of 85% dark chocolate @handsoffmychocolate
◾️ 1 tsp shredded coconut
◾️ 10g pecans
*banana haters: use maple syrup or apple sauce for sweetness 🙃
Mash the banana and add it to the overnight oats in a bowl. Then wash and slice the strawberries and fig.
Swirl the coconut yoghurt onto the porridge and add the sliced strawberries & figs on top. Place the chocolate in the middle and add a tsp of coconut shreds over the porridge!
Optional to toast the pecans (I like that!) in a pan or just top them like this! Enjoy!
Let me know, are you a BOUNTY lover?👇🏻 and have you tried this overnight oats already?
Follow me for more! @jengoesnuts
Jen ❤️
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