People, NEVER ever buy chocolate pudding anymore in the stores. Once you try this recipe, you will never go back again! This one is so EASY to make and makes a perfect dessert! Super healthy no weird ingredients and tastes like heaven!
✨5-Ingredient CHOCOLATE PUDDING (VG + GF)✨
◾️ 50g chiaseeds
◾️ 250ml NOT MIlK @alpro or use chocolate milk
◾️ vanilla flavourdrops (sub for vanilla extract + 1 tbsp maple syrup) @myproteinnl
◾️ 1 tbsp maple syrup
◾️ 1,5 tsp raw cacao powder @koro_nl
◾️ 1 tsp coffee granulates (optional)
topping: 1 piece of dark chocolate
1️⃣Add everything to your blender. Blend it into a thick consistency. Pour into your favourite glass!
2️⃣Melt the dark chocolate and and pour it on top. Set it in the fridge for 5 minutes.
Let me know, what is your favourite chocolate pudding?
🌱@alpro is in sale in many supermarkets!!
👉🏻use: JENNY5 for 5% off @koro_nl !
✨Follow me for more! @jengoesnuts✨
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